Power / Belo Monte
Conjunction of problems postpones hydroelectric plant's operation to March 2017
Infrastructure and logistics have received only 3.2% of BNDES' funds since 2004
Center-West / Investments
Northeast / Pernambuco
Suape Compound diversifies petrochemical production
Generation stuck with lack of complementary power source
Discussions on Valec model and risk delay concession
North / Steel Mill
Sinobras confirms expansion in Marabá (PA)
Despite uncertainties, state company plans US$22 billion investments until 2018
Positive information comes from the pre-salt layer
Port remodeling attracts R$54 billion, but it depends on adjustments in the new Law
Rio de Janeiro / Axles of roads
Operators invest over R$6 bi in construction and improvements
Interventions in BR-101 include two extensive constructions in Niterói and Campos
Construction of a new way down from Serra das Araras on Rodovia Dutra may start in 2015
Operator to invest R$300 million in BR-393
Rio 2016
City gets into the core of the turmoil
São Paulo / Rodoanel
Joint management clears construction of the North stretch
Private participation broadens performance in Brazilian cities
São Paulo / The coast
Construction of infrastructure done earlier than the pre-salt projects
South / Industries
From a clear in the woods to a development pool
Fonte: Revista O Empreiteiro